🔥SMS Backup, Print & Restore -Export PDF,HTML,CSV App Download

🔥SMS Backup, Print & Restore -Export PDF,HTML,CSV

Backup, Exports & Converts the SMS log to PDF,CSV,JPEG,HTML for Print & Restore

So, What can you do with "SMS Backup, Print & Restore":
✉️ Backup & Restore your messages - just send your messages to your email or leave the files on your device - you can restore all the messages on the same device if they desire or on another device
✉️ Print your SMS and MMS Backups! - Share the backup to your email, open on the desktop and print or download an app that directly prints from the phone (most printer providers have them).

Previously called "SMS Share 2"

With "SMS Backup, Print & Restore" you can create backups of your SMS, MMS and RCS logs and then share it using Email, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and every other sharing method your phone provides. then you can use the files for storing in your pc or backup to the cloud. later you can use these files to restore your messages or print them

Backup, Convert, Exports your SMS/MMS text messages to PDF, CSV, JPG, HTML or TXT and then restore them back to your device, print, or share them


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