Restore Image (Super Easy) Apk Download latest version

Restore Image (Super Easy) Apk Download latest version
The description of Restore Image
Image restoration!

I want to return the erased images again!
I have erased the image in mistake!

Why don't you try to use this app?
You may be able to restore the erased photo and picture!

*Billing in-app is only the function to delete ads!
*You can use all the functions in free!
*There is no limit of the function at all even though you use in free!

A special feature

Super easy image data recovery!
Need not the knowledge!
Need not the PC!
Need not rooting!
Need not Backup data!
You can restore found image certainly!
You can also restore before installation image!
You can restore the image from the Device or from the SD card!
Corresponds to jpg and png!
Free tool!

How to use

1. Select folder
2. Select the images
3. Tap the start button to restore

That's all!

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